Personally, I am not a fan of Halloween. I don’t like having to make an effort to dress up like something clever or slutty or couple-y to go to a party, and pumpkin flavor is the worst flavor. Take it back you say? Nope. Hate to break it to you basic b*tches out there, but it’s not that great, there are better fall flavors LIKE APPLE. Regardless, I will admit there is something appealing about getting the shit scared out of you every once in a while. A good “gotcha!”. Call it the adrenaline rush that comes from cresting the top of the hill on a roller coaster or driving a jet ski really, really fast, being scared gives you the same sensations: heart palpitating, stomach dropping and the strong urge to laugh right after.
Besides the action of scaring someone (i.e. Haunted House or asshole kid sister who’s hidden under your bed and grabs your ankles as you sit down), there’s the scary movies we’ve seen that never fail to make us jump in our seats even though we know it’s coming. In addition to not really being a fan of Halloween, I’m not really a fan of scary movies. They’re either so unrealistic and fake that I find them boring, or they scare the living shit out of me. In the case of the unrealistic, I get frustrated when the idiot girl opens the closet door she knows is going to have a killer in it, the guy that instead of RUNNING AWAY chooses to go down into the deep dark basement where the creatures lurk. You’re asking for it, bro. In the case of the latter, I want to give props to these movies below that I can honestly and truly say scared me over the years by some form of plot twist. So here’s 5 movies that I think you should make an effort to watch in the next few days because everyone needs a good scaring now and then; it’s good for the soul.
Signs – Pre-Mel Gibson insulting religions, Signs features a farmer who’s crop is marked by aliens, aliens attack, etc. Not going to ruin the plot for you. As far as alien movies go, it’s a lot better than I was expecting, more twists, more accurately depicted aliens than many, and overall a An M. Night Shyamalan classic right here.
Sixth Sense – Was not expecting that!! I watched the whole thing through the holes in my blanket over my head. It’s Haley Joel Osment’s best performance and he delivers the classic line, “I see dead people.” PLOT TWIST.
The Others – This is on my list because 1) Nichole Kidman is excellent. 2) There’s a scene I won’t disclose that made me literally jump into my 7th grade boyfriend’s seat at the time. Kidman spends the entire movie protecting her children from a photosensitive disease while awaiting the return of her missing husband. But it’s so much more that I can’t tell you and you just need to re-watch for yourself!!
It – One of my babysitters growing up let me watch this when I was between 7-8 years old. To this day, clowns scare the living shit out of me. I run the other way. Not only from this movie but because it’s a middle aged man wearing makeup and trying to please little children. Like the whole concept is not right. Regardless, IT turns into your biggest fear, and the clown part did me in.
Shutter Island – Leo gives a great performance in this award-winning horror thriller about a man who is sent to an insane asylum on an island to investigate. I don’t want to give away too much more than that because again I say, PLOT TWIST.
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- Movies That Will Leave You Scared Sh*tless - October 29, 2015
- Music Props: 13 Top Halloween Songs - October 27, 2015
- Look at All the F*cks I Give - September 18, 2015