Ganjapreneurs, Game Changers, and the Grind
The people who don’t keep their head down and stand in line. The ones who create, innovate, and take a risk to pursue the dream of building something
DetailsThe people who don’t keep their head down and stand in line. The ones who create, innovate, and take a risk to pursue the dream of building something
DetailsWhether you’re a student trying to save money, a family on a budget, or just someone who likes to find new ways to save or earn, The Penny Hoarder blog is the best thing you can stumble upon. I just recently discovered this website, and I have not been more obsessed with trying to save…
DetailsWhat is Future of entertainment? Since the invention of television, we really have not revolutionized the industry. Sure… our television has gotten flatter and our video games look a little more realistic, but other than making marginal improvements to out existing technology, where is the innovation? Where is that pioneering that took us from VHS…
DetailsDo you like movies? Do you like delicious craft beers? If you answered f*ck yes, then Flix Brewhouse is the place for you if you live in Indianapolis, Des Moine, or Red Rock. (If you are in Indy, it’s actually in Carmel so make sure not to overindulge on their delicious brews because you know those…
DetailsHow Tech Startups Start Up There’s a startup for everything: alcohol delivery (props to Drizly), pet sitting (Seattle-based Rover), ingredients to cook fancy meals weekly (you must try Plated). For literally anything else (tiger delivery, anyone?), you can just text a phone number, and the Ycombinator-backed startup Magic will take care of it. But how…
DetailsFirst we gave props to the best Indianapolis Restaurants, and while we still love and frequent all those places, frankly, sitting is overrated. What’s the newest trend in the Indianapolis foodie scene? Food trucks!! The Food Network supports the cause with shows like The Great Food Truck Race and Food Truck Face Off. Food…
DetailsGoogle Maps. This one may seem pretty boring, but since Apple no longer includes this App with a new iPhone purchase (Placing their own GPS app on instead), I almost urge anyone new to the smart phone world to download this immediately. More than just getting you from point A to point B, Google maps…
DetailsHistory In 1886, Coca-Cola was first designed by a pharmacist to help Civil War veterans cope with morphine addiction. John Pemberton mixed the syrup of his top secret formula with carbonated water, which was believed to promote a healthy lifestyle at the time. Little did he know, he was creating a beverage (and a vital…
DetailsI’m not sure if it’s the colorful women’s blouse section or the semi to heavily used furniture that makes me instantly feel at home when I step into this unique smelling store. Blacks, Whites, Asians, Americans, people of the world: This is a place that knows no judgment. Whether you are buying clothes for your next Halloween party or legitimately updating your wardrobe, I’m sure Macklemore will meet you somewhere in between with nothing but encouragement…
DetailsSmooth and brown, soft when it touches your lips. The perfect way to start your morning, and the only thing that could possibly interrupt anything you’ve been working on. “What would you do without it?”, they ask. “Why do you love it so much?”. Well, Starbucks, I don’t know. And that is why I give you props. You keep us coming back for more as if we’re fiending for our greatest addiction. Of course we can spend $.50 at our local gas station, but guess what, it’s the secret recipe that has our brains overlooking the overpriced beverage. You’ve succeeded… Congrats.