To the People that Helped Me Reach the NFL
When I found out that I was going to be playing in the NFL for the Indianapolis Colts…
DetailsWhen I found out that I was going to be playing in the NFL for the Indianapolis Colts…
DetailsThink back to a time when you were trying to “rally the troops” for an expedition out on the town… A time when you got up early to start a day of partying and needed one more companion to join…
Details“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
DetailsWhile browsing social media the other day, I was super excited to see my uncle had posted a video…
DetailsWhile there is no doubt that the tragic events of September 11, 2001 had a huge effect on our nation as a whole, they also influenced the course of some individuals’ life paths. Here are the accounts of the day that led these citizens to where they are today. “I was in 4th grade in 2001.…
DetailsSomething struck me the other day, as I was moving around a pile of dirty laundry in my room while simultaneously getting a text from a girl that was interested in me that read as follows, “Are you married or do you have kids?” Obviously I just laughed because I can’t even maintain a solid…
DetailsIn light of National Women’s Equality Day last week and the badassery of women in general, the PowerProp Girls picked our favorite 25 women around the world and throughout history who are making strides and taking names in the process of total world domination. Slightly exaggerating there, but you get the idea. Women have made a…
DetailsToday commences the Year of the Farmer at the Indiana State Fair. What that means, I don’t entirely know, but what I do know is today commences the greatest three weeks of people watching in the state of Indiana. When we go so far as to welcome the ENTIRE STATE of Indiana to one location, we…
DetailsWhen social media began, it was the wild f*cking west. No one knew how to use it. “Trends” were only associated with clothing. Hashtags were still called “number signs.” But most importantly, parents had no idea what it was. We were free. I was in high school so I can’t speak for those in…
DetailsFor anyone born in Indiana between 1990-2000, the glorious shadow of one Peyton Williams Manning was inescapable. Peyton, along with Marvin Harrison and Edgerrin James, ruled this province with an iron, touchdown-machine fist. Few athletes have owned a city the way Peyton did. An incredible percentage of the state lived and died by what this…