I Wish that I Could Be Like the Cool Kids

I’ve never considered myself “cool”. I’ve always had a skewed image of myself. Feeling inferior and unworthy has been a part of my DNA since I was little. Call it being overly humble or just being in serious need of expensive therapy. Whatever you want to label it, cool was a label that would never describe me. Smart and responsible, maybe. Cool? Hell no.

I’m sure we all went to school where cliques not only existed but they were encouraged. You had the jocks, the geeks, the artsy fartsies, the goths, and the cool kids. Ahhh, the cool kids- didn’t it seem like they had some type of imaginary, shining halo around them at all times? Life just seemed better on that side of school. We all wanted to be them but very few of us knew the secret password to get on the inside. But somewhere along the way the cool ones started to seem like the mean ones. The ones we despised. The ones we loathed but secretly wanted to be best friends with. If we could only get them to notice us…

Why Everyone Needs Work Friends

There’s the family you chose and the family that chose you… in a sense. What I’m here to recognize most admirably are your work friends and your social friends and the wonderful difference. There is a great and vast difference between the way you and your work crew operate and the operations of yourself and your social circle. Outside of work you befriend people that have common interests, lifestyles and humor. At work, you befriend people mostly because the cube farm can’t operate without some level of camaraderie; I beg you to look deeper.

The Kardashians: A Love-Hate Relationship

I am giving my props to the Kardashians, the family we’ve loved to hate and hated to love for seven years. Yes, ever since the video of Ray J penetrating Kim leaked in 2007, the Kardashians have been penetrating into our lives, whether we like it or not. And, I’ll admit, I’m one of those that don’t mind. They are the guilty pleasure of men and women alike. I have been “keeping up” since I was a sophomore in high school. I am now graduated from college. They have been there for us longer than Ryan, Marissa, Seth, and Summer, longer than Stephen, LC, and Kristin, longer than Dawson, Joey, and Perry. They’ve managed to last. And that is why I am giving them props.

The Thirst Project

A few days ago, my fellow Cyberprops comrade Kakpindi Jamiru gave props to Doctors without Borders or MSF, a volunteer health organization dedicated to helping solve medical crises like the ebola outbreak in Africa. Today, I want to give props to a like-minded global initiative called The Thirst Project. A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Seth Maxwell, Co-Founder and CEO of The Thirst Project, an initiative dedicated to building wells in third world countries and bringing fresh, clean water to these remote villages to provide safety and sustainability for the people of these villages.

Doctors Without Borders

This is a simple and direct props to Médecins Sans Frontières, or as we know it in America and Canada, Doctors without Borders. I started writing this post giving props to all the doctors and nurses that are helping Sierra Leone and the boarding countries with the worst ebola outbreak in history. The post was going to be filled with information about how dangerous and contagious Ebola as a virus and the amount of risk theses doctors are taking to by working in the epicenter of an unprecedented outbreak.

The Best Robin Williams Movies

Yesterday comedy lost a truly amazing individual. Robin Williams, notable actor and comedian, passed away at age 63 yesterday, and we at Cyberprops believe he embodied so much of what we stand for: respect, gratitude, energy and laughter. The Cyberprops team wanted to honor him by sharing our favorite Robin Williams movies. Props to you, Robin…