Goodwill? More like Greatwill…

I’m not sure if it’s the colorful women’s blouse section or the semi to heavily used furniture that makes me instantly feel at home when I step into this unique smelling store. Blacks, Whites, Asians, Americans, people of the world: This is a place that knows no judgment. Whether you are buying clothes for your next Halloween party or legitimately updating your wardrobe, I’m sure Macklemore will meet you somewhere in between with nothing but encouragement…


Smooth and brown, soft when it touches your lips. The perfect way to start your morning, and the only thing that could possibly interrupt anything you’ve been working on. “What would you do without it?”, they ask. “Why do you love it so much?”. Well, Starbucks, I don’t know. And that is why I give you props. You keep us coming back for more as if we’re fiending for our greatest addiction. Of course we can spend $.50 at our local gas station, but guess what, it’s the secret recipe that has our brains overlooking the overpriced beverage. You’ve succeeded… Congrats.

World Class Crossroads

When I was approached by this blog inviting me to give props I had to think long and hard about it. What one thing has just been killing it? Is there one idea that deserves recognition for shining through it all? Well, since college graduation 2 years ago I’ve worked in Chicago and Dallas, and now I’m living back in full-time Indianapolis for the first time since high school. So after that whirlwind, what one thing encompasses it all? What one place is always there with open arms, offering family, friends and abundance of things to do? Its simple: Indianapolis. The Circle City. The Spaghetti Bowl. Naptown. Call it what you want, but this charming, family-oriented, sports obsessed, crossroads of a city is killing it right now.


Props: The Geist Community A few weeks ago, my comrades gave recognition to the East Side of Indianapolis. They wrote about how much their community means to them, and how much they appreciate all that the East Side has given them. Luckily, I could completely relate to their blog post because I myself grew up…